Multiple uses...


video capsule

A regular input of content in social networks allows you to develop your professional and personal brands.
This is an essential step in building loyalty and developing your business opportunities.


With us by your side, you’re always ready to conduct face-to-face or remote interviews anywhere.

Client testimonial

A video client testimonial is priceless but often a challenge to obtain the agreement and then the availability of the person concerned.
We ensure a very fast intervention and assistance to your customer for an optimal quality and a minimal disturbance.

Product Demonstration

Because a video is the best way to turn your contacts into customers.

Targeted prospecting Project presentations

Salespeople in charge of selling complex projects know how difficult it is to get a prospect’s attention and then turn them into a customer.

A personalized video allows a better return on your prospecting actions.


Video is now widely used, both on the employer’s side to attract new talent, and on the candidate’s side to give them the best chance.


By offering your participants quality images, you enhance your content and make your training modules even more attractive.


Online media
Web TV

Easily turn any location into a film studio to build audience loyalty.


To expand your audience to online participants.

corporate events

Use the images of your corporate events to feed your networks and relay your messages.


By using several cameras simultaneously, you benefit from a professional result with a minimum of constraints.

Live Selling

A professional touch to your sales presentation videos guarantees a strong impact and a better transformation rate.


Ideal for attracting new participants to your online training content and retaining your registered members.